The Constitutional Law Studies and Orientation Committee, in celebration of National Constitutional Law Day, 2020, introduces the 1st Virtual National Constitutional Law Powerpoint Competition.
About the Institution
School of Law, is a part of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. The parent University, a premier educational institution accredited with an A grade in 2016 by NAAC, is an academic fraternity dedicated to the motto of ‘Excellence and Service’. School of Law is an institute imparting world class legal education to students from across the world. SLCU entered the list of top law schools in India according to the NIRF Rankings declared by the MHRD in 2020.
About the Constitutional Law Studies and Orientation Committee
Constitutional The Constitutional Law Studies and Orientation Committee (CLSOC), is devoted towards enduring the legacy of organizing activities that entail exploring realms of Constitutional law with its interpretation and engage in discussions on contemporary issues through Esprit de Corps. The CLSOC looks forward to staying dedicated and emerging victorious in its aims and organization of various discussion forums, essay competitions, quizzes, guest lectures and seminars.
About the PPT Competition
The competition aims at spreading awareness and celebrating the spirit of constitutionalism, enhancing the soft skills amongst students and encouraging peer learning.
A powerpoint presentation is expected to help evaluate the understanding of concepts of Constitutional Law as well as creative elucidation of such understanding, which is likely to boost the asynchronous learning among law students
The theme for the National Constitutional Law Powerpoint Competition 2020 is the ‘The Basic Structure: the unamendable values of the Indian Constitution’.
On the 71st Anniversary of Constitution of India, CLSOC seeks the participants to speculate and explore the scope of the Basic Structure of the Indian Constitution in the context of contemporary developments. School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is organising a PPT competition virtually (Cisco Webex) on a pan India scale to celebrate the 71st National Constitutional Law Day on 26th November 2020 (Thursday).
Aim of the National Constitutional Powerpoint Competition
The aim of the PPT Competition is to:
To enhance the soft skills amongst students.
To develop the art of public speaking.
To encourage self-learning among students.
To stimulate their thinking process and sensitize them towards contemporary issues in constitutional law and applicability of basic structure doctrine.
To enable the participants to organize their thoughts and present them in a systematic manner.
To promote asynchronous learning amidst the global pandemic and familiarize participants with information technology and use these tools effectively in the self-learning process.
All participants must be students of LL.B./B.L. and may be either from three years or five years course.
Only singular participation is permitted per entry, i.e. each entry will consist of only one participant.
Rules of the Competition
There is no entry fee for the contest.
The participants are required to submit their PowerPoint presentations that contain a maximum of 15 slides.
The participants should make title headlines. (Optional)
The content of the PPT should not be copied. Any plagiarism, if detected, will lead to disqualification.
The PPT must in no manner indicate or reveal the identity of the participant/ institute of affiliation.
The participants are required to give an undertaking that their work is original. If it is found that the work is not original the entry may be cancelled. Students are advised to give proper references/due credit to the author whether of a book/internet source for any thought, idea or phrases that may have been copied from such work.
Phases of the Competition
The competition will consist of two rounds:
The Screening Round: Round 1 would be the submission of PPT through Google Form. In the screening round the presentations will be peer-reviewed by the members of CLSOC. A total of five presentations will be shortlisted for the Final Round.
The Final Round: Round 2 would be the presentation of PPT on Webex Platform. The Five presentations that qualify for the final round would be intimated in advance of their qualifying for the final round. These entries shall be awarded and required to present the PPT on 26th November 2020.
The maximum presentation time allotted to each participant is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A session.
The presentations shall be compatible with Microsoft Office; therefore IOS presentations must be converted beforehand.
The last date for submission of PPT is 20th November 2020.
The evaluation results will be declared and the entries qualifying to Round 2 shall be intimated on registered email ids.
A certificate of participation shall be issued to all participants.
Submission of PPT through Google forms: Register and Submit here.
Judgment Criteria
Presentations are judged for originality and creativity, organization of content, oral presentation, knowledge of the material, clarity of artwork (charts, graphs, and slides), animations and overall presentation.
All the participants shall be awarded participation certificates.
The qualifying entries to the Final Round shall be awarded Certificates of Excellence and cash prizes along with other attractive prizes.
Release of the competition: 10th November 2020
Last date to submit PPT: 20th November 2020
Intimation of results for the Final Round: 24th November 2020
Final Round and Felicitation of Winners: 26th November 2020
Contact Information
For enquiries or more details, send a mail to: constitution.committee[at]
Diganth Raj Sehgal: +91-9784755573
Harshita Kakar: +91-9901934496