The Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR), RGNUL, Punjab invites submissions for Volume 6, Issue 2 of the CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice (CASIHR JHRP).
About the University
The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (‘RGNUL’), Punjab was established as a National Law University by a legislative act of the state of Punjab in 2006 in order to fulfill the need for a center of excellence in legal education.
About the Journal
The CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice (JHRP) is a new endeavor of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) in furtherance of its aim of understanding the expanding horizons of Human Rights Law and Practice.
The journal is a bi-annual peer-reviewed referred journal with ISSN: 2581-4834 aimed at contributing to the literature on Human Rights and providing a platform for academicians, professionals, and students to contribute to its growth in addition to promoting research and deliberation in the field of Human Rights.
It aims at encouraging academicians, professionals as well students to contribute long articles, short articles/essays, book reviews, and case comments related to the field of Human Rights.
Call for Papers
The Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR), Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab invites long articles, short articles, essays, case comments, and book reviews for Volume 6, Issue 2 of the CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice (CASIHR JHRP).
To provide a platform for more pointed, specialized, and diverse inputs and analyses, adherence to a rigid thematic issue has been dispensed with. Therefore, this particular volume is not theme-specific in nature and authors are free to write on any topic relevant to the field of Human Rights.
The manuscripts received will, after initial screening, go through a double-blind peer review process by relevant academicians and experts. The final selection will be based on the aforementioned process.
Focal Area
Periodicity of Publication
It is a bi-annual Journal that is published twice a year.
- January- June Issue
- July- December Issue.
Who may Submit?
The forum is an egalitarian space and submissions are welcome from human rights researchers, academicians, practitioners, members of civil society organizations, and policymakers.
Submission Guidelines
- Submissions can be made under the following heads:
- Long Articles – Maximum preferred word limit 7000-8000 words.
- Short Articles/ Essays – Word Limit of 5000 – 6000 words.
- Case Comments – Word Limit of 3000 – 4000 words.
- Book Reviews – Word limit of 1500 – 2500 words.
- Abstracts- Word limits of 250-300 words.
- The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.
- All the contributors must adhere to the following guidelines:
- All Submissions must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words.
- Manuscripts must be in English and should be submitted in softcopy through email, at
- The body of the document must be in Times New Roman with a font size of 12 and a Line Spacing of 1.5.
- All the footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, and with single line spacing.
- The citations must conform to OSCOLA style.
- Co-authorship is permissible up to a maximum of two authors.
- Book reviews must contain—the name of author/editor and book reviewed, place of publication and publisher, year of publication, number of pages, and price.
- Plagiarism should be less than 10% as per UGC norms.
- All submissions are required to be mailed in .doc/.docx format only
Review Process
- Once submitted, a manuscript goes through the following stages:
- The Editor will first peruse the manuscript to check whether it comes within the discourse of Human Rights.
- Once the preliminary checks are done, the manuscript will be peer-reviewed, which may take at least 3–4 weeks. The Journal follows a peer review process.
- Depending upon the reviewers’ recommendations, the manuscript is either accepted, suggested for revisions, or absolutely rejected. In case of revisions, rewriting suggestions will be given to the author/contributor, who will then modify the manuscript as per the requirements; thereby sending back the revised manuscript.
- Once the Editor finally approves a manuscript, then it is forwarded to the publishing unit, to be included in the Journal.
How to Submit?
- All the submissions must be mailed only to with a cover letter specifying the following:
- Name of Author(s)
- Designation
- Names and Address of Institution
- Contact Details– Address and Mobile No.
- Undertaking regarding Originality of the work and Transfer of copyright in compliance with UGC Norms and RGNUL rules for publication.
Submission Deadline
November 25, 2022 by 11:59 PM.