The Conference is organised by the Centre for Cyber Laws, National Law University, Delhi in collaboration with CII – Tata Communications Centre for Digital Transformation, at the NLU Delhi Campus on November 19, 2022.
About NLU Delhi
National Law University, Delhi is a premier law university in India established by the National Law University Act, 2007 (Delhi Act No. 1 of 2008), at the initiative of the High Court of Delhi.
About Centre for Cyber Laws
The Centre for Cyber Laws, National Law University, Delhi has been established with a vision to create a research-oriented space through which research on issues related to cyberspace and cyber laws can be done.
About CII
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering with Industry, Government and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes. CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry- managed organization.
About CDT
To help enterprises leverage the technology changes, CII has created a focused Centre for Digital Transformation. Tata Communications is the principal partner and Dell EMC has joined as the associate partner. The Centre is known as the CII – Tata Communications Centre for Digital Transformation (CDT).
About the Conference
The Conference is organised by the Centre for Cyber Laws, National Law University, Delhi in collaboration with CII – Tata Communications Centre for Digital Transformation, at the NLU Delhi Campus on November 19, 2022.
The Conference aims to bring researchers, academicians, legal practitioners, and industry professionals on the same platform to identify issues involved in Fin-tech and its interface with threats to data protection and cybersecurity.
How prepared are we to face the new challenges? How sufficient is the legal or regulatory regime to tackle and handle the modern issues of technology? The conference seeks to find answers to such questions.
- Fin-tech and Cybersecurity
- Regulatory Framework for Fintech
- Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
- Payment Industry and PPIs
- Financial Technology and Cybersecurity
- Data Sovereignty
- Data Localization
- How much surveillance is good surveillance?
- Data Minimization
- Data Protection and AI
- Privacy Laws in Business
- Consumer Protection and Data Protection
- International Approach to Data Protection
- Digital Capitalism
- The Rise and Regulation of Data Marketplace
- Data Protection
- Intermediary Liability in Digital Space
- Role of Intermediary in Strengthening
- Cybersecurity
- Cloud Service Provider: Issues and
- Challenges
- Internet Intermediaries: Duty of Care and Due
- Diligence
- Role of Internet Intermediaries in Advancing
- Public Policy Objectives
- Role of Internet Intermediaries in Protecting
- IPRs
- Changing Dynamics of Intermediary Liability
- Intermediary Liability and Cyber Security
Call for Papers
Legal practitioners, academicians, researchers, and students are invited to submit original, unpublished manuscripts for short, quality research papers/articles, along with an abstract, for presentation in the Conference.
Submission Requirements
- Authors: Co-Authorship is allowed for a maximum of two (2) authors.
- Word Limits:
- Research Paper: ~3000 words
- Abstract: ~250 words
- Word limits do not include footnotes.
- Format (Text)
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 12
- Line Spacing: 1.5
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 10
- Line Spacing: 1.0
- Footnotes:
- 20th Edition Bluebook Citation Format
- Refrain from using speaking footnotes.
- Submissions:
- Submission shall be through Google Form.
- Submission shall be in .docx format only.
- First page of the manuscript must only contain the title and the abstract.
- Integrity of Submission:
- Electronic copy of manuscript must not contain name of author(s), affiliation, name of the institution, postal address, and contact details.
- The manuscript must be the original work of the author and free from plagiarism.
- The manuscript submitted must not be previously published or currently under review at any other journal/conference/book and should not be submitted to any other journal/conference/book while under review.
- Selection for Presentation:
- Editorial Board for the Conference shall have the final decision on the acceptance and publication of manuscripts.
- No manuscript would be accepted without an abstract.
- All authors of selected manuscripts are required to register as individual participants for the Conference.
All selected manuscripts shall be published by the Centre for Cyber Laws, National Law University, Delhi.
Important Dates
- Last date to submit the manuscript: October 30, 2022
- Confirmation of acceptance for presentation: November 8, 2022
- Presentation of paper at National Conference: November 19, 2022
Important Links
- Click here to view the Manuscript Submission Form
- Click here to view the Registration Form
- Click here to view the Registration Fee Payment Link
Only submission, registration and payment made through the above modes would be accepted.
Registration Fees
- Industry Participants/Practitioners: INR 2000/-
- Faculty Members/Academia: INR 2000/-
- Students and Ph.D. Scholars: INR 1500/-
The fee includes the participation amount, lunch and tea, and conference kit.