The National Seminar is organized by the Centre for Human Rights and Subaltern Studies, National University of Study and Research in Law Ranchi in collaboration with the National Commission for Women, New Delhi, at the NUSRL, Ranchi campus on November 10, 2022.
About NUSRL, Ranchi
NUSRL, Ranchi has been established by an Act of the State Legislature prompted by the vision of the constitutional forefathers that the law, legal system, and legal institutions have an overreaching role in the human, social, political, and economic development of the Nation.
About Centre for Human Rights and Subaltern Studies (CHRSS)
The Centre for Human Rights and Subaltern Studies (CHRSS) was created with the objective to work for the protection of human rights on March 7, 2019.
The aim of the Centre is to achieve the goals of Social Justice enshrined in our Preamble and to achieve this goal, the members of the Committee promise to engage in discourse, Seminar, Webinar, Legal Aid so as to ensure that we return even some percent back to the society.
About National Commission for Women (NCW)
The National Commission for Women (NCW) is the statutory body of the Government of India, generally concerned with advising the government on all policy matters affecting women. It was established on January 31, 1992 under the provisions of the Indian Constitution, as defined in the 1990 National Commission for Women Act.
The objective of the NCW is to represent the rights of women in India and to provide a voice for their issues and concerns. The subjects of their campaigns have included dowry, politics, religion, equal representation for women in jobs, and the exploitation of women for labour. They have also discussed police abuses against women.
Call for Papers
Articles and Research Papers from Academicians, Researchers, Advocates and Students to submit quality research papers and articles are invited on the theme of the Seminar.
Research papers/Articles received for publication shall be subject to the approval of the Editorial Committee, after which they will be published in the form of a Seminar Proceeding/Book.
All submissions shall be scrutinised by anti-plagiarism software, so the participants are requested to submit their original, unpublished research works.
National Seminar is being held on the theme “Women in Paramilitary Forces – Achieving Gender Equality Through Gender Sensitization.”
Considering the novelty of the theme and with the objective of encouraging multi-dimensional research on the issue, the sub-themes are not categorically specified. The participants can analyse the issue from multiple perspectives but at the same time are required to ensure its relevance with the theme.
Submission and Formatting Guideline
- The First Page of the submission must be a Cover Page which should contain the following particulars –
- Title of the Paper
- Author’s Name
- University/Organization’s Name
- Present Address
- Email Address and Mobile Number
- In the case of Co-Authorship, the same details of the other author must also be stated on the Cover Page. Co-authorship is allowed subject to a limit of two authors per submission.
- On the second page, there should be a Declaration, about the originality of the submission.
- The third page should contain an Abstract of around 250-300 words with Keywords at the end.
- Apart from other necessary Chapters, the Participants should try to include the following chapters in their submission- Introduction, Review of Literature, Recommendations and Conclusion.
- The submission should be about 3500-5000 words.
- It must be submitted in a ‘Word/.docx file, PDF files are not allowed.
- The Text should be in Times New Roman, Font Size – 12 & Spacing – 1.5. The Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size – 10 with Single Spacing. One Inch Margin on all sides should be maintained.
- All submissions must follow the Blue Book (20th Edn.) Uniform Citation style of referencing.
- No part of the Paper should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication.
- UGC guidelines for Plagiarism will be followed.
Process of Registration and Submission
- Every Participant is required to duly fill out the google form given at the end of this post to register.
- The Final Paper must be submitted in the ‘Word/.docx’ file. PDF files are not allowed. The name of the file should be ‘Name of the Author & Co-author (if any) – Title of the paper.
- All Manuscripts should be submitted here.
Submission Deadline
- Last Date for Registration: November 1, 2022.
- Last Date for Final Paper Submission: November 4, 2022.
- National Seminar: November 10, 2022
Contact Information
Queries should be sent to