Application of surrender by Accused Format

Chambers of Ishaan Garg
Ch. No. 217, Western Wing, District & Sessions Court, Tis Hazari, New Delhi, Delhi 110054
+91 8851742417, +91 8800386163

Application by an Accused to surrender in the Court




Transfer application No…………………… of ………….

(Under Section …………. of I.P.C./ Cr.P.C.)……………



Sri ………………………S/o …………………… R/o…………………….

P. S.…………………..  District…………


…………..                                                                 Complaint



Sri …………………………. S/o …………………….. R/o …………..……………… P.S………..…………..  District………


………......                                                                Accused




The Hon'ble judge of the aforesaid Court


The humble applicant most humbly showeth as under:


1. That the applicant is the accused No………….. in the aforesaid case against whom a warrant of arrest has been issued by the Hon'ble Court at the instance of the complainant on…………………


2. That the aforesaid warrant has not yet been executed.


3. That the applicant submits what the notices of the aforesaid case were never served upon the applicant.


4. That the applicant has been out of Station since before the filing of the present complaint case and as such the question of service of notice upon the applicant does not arise.


5. That the complainant had mala fide represented that the applicant was absconding in order to avoid he service of summons.


6. That the applicant surrenders himself in the Court today.


7. That the applicant is a respectable citizen and has no intention to abscond.  Rather the applicant shall contest the aforesaid case to the best of his ability.


8. That the applicant is ready to furnish the bail to the satisfaction of the Court. 




It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that the Hon’ble Court may be pleased to cancel the warrant of arrest of the applicant dated and also be pleased to enlarge the applicant on bail.



