About The Department
The Department of Legal Studies is a heritage Department of the University of Madras. It was created by Prof.C.H. Alexandrowicz (1951-1961) he commenced a Master’s in Law in International Law and Constitutional Law.
Alexandrowicz lectured at the Hague Academy of International Law and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his historical research on the treaty and diplomatic relations between European and Asian powers. His student and successor the Indian jurist T. S. Rama Rao was Head of the Department till 1988. After his retirement Prof. N. Radhakrishnan assumed leadership.
In 1995, he was succeeded by Prof (Dr) N. Balu who holds the first Ph.D. in Law. Subsequently, Prof (Dr) A. David Ambrose a phenomenal scholar in International Law and Constitutional Law, took the helm. After his retirement, Prof (Dr) B. Venugopal an eminent legal scholar led the department. Since, 2023 the esteemed legal scholar (Dr) G. Rajasekar is the Head of the Department.
About The Seminar
The Seminar backdrop is the modernization of International Law. The present century is witnessing a paradigm shift in International Law which is driven by many factors one among them is strengthening the role of individuals. Modernization of International Law would imply the adaptation of International Law to modern conditions. Traditionally the term, International Law, is used to cover the rules and principles that are generally observed in the relations among states. The ideological change in the International Legal System involves a transition from a State-Centred International order to a Human-Centred one and also from Inter-State Justice to Global Justice.
The overall objective of the Seminar is to provide the attendees a platform to present papers on the ‘Modernization Approaches to International Law’ within the framework of the four topics below. This will lead to a deeper understanding of contemporary International Law, by examining the major problems. The Seminar intends to stimulate critical thinking on the future prospects of International Law. The Organizing Committee welcomes original papers, a Developing Nations-centric approach, relating to the seminar topics below. Interdisciplinary papers are also encouraged.
About Call For Papers
The Organizing Committee welcomes original papers, relating to the following four broad topics. The seminar paper is required to be presented within the broad framework of International Laws prescribed herein below. The attendees can present any sub-topic within one of the four topics prescribed below. Interdisciplinary papers are also encouraged.
Papers are invited from Academicians, Legal Practitioners, Research Scholars, and Students on the issues related to the sub-themes. Original and Unpublished papers will be considered for presentation in the seminar. The papers will be evaluated by the experts and selected papers will be eligible for publication.
International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law
- UDHR, together with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two Optional Protocols, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, form the so-called International Bill of Human Rights.
- Human trafficking; Refugees; Workers Rights; Gender inequality; LGBTQ+ Rights; Nationalism, Technology, Data Privacy, Hate speech, Surveillance, and Digital security; Fake News and Free Press; Contemporary Armed Conflicts; (International and Non-International) Geneva Convention and Modern conflicts; Cyberwarfare; Drones; Weapon of Mass Destructions; Protection of Cultural Property; Private Military and Security Companies; Women and Children in Conflict; Relationship between IHL and IHRC, Migration and Displacement, Child Soldiers and Use of Force.
Law of the Sea
- UNCLOS, SDG Goal 14; Marine Environment Protection; Fisheries Management; Dispute Settlement Mechanism; Maritime Boundaries; Evolving Jurisprudence of Law of Sea; Piracy and Maritime Security; Human Rights at Sea.
International Environment Law: Green Issues to Address
- United Nations founded its Environment Program UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) as early as 1972. Since that time, the number of environmental agreements under the umbrella of the United Nations has risen steadily.
- The first one was the “Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer”. The 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro focused on International relations on global environmental problems. Numerous Conventions followed, such as the Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Kyoto Protocol, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste, and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
- Addressing climate change, and biodiversity; achieving affordable and sustainable energy, including scaling up the green hydrogen economy; reducing waste and its environmental impact and protecting human health and the environment.
International Investment Law: Address Substantive Reforms
- Addressing substantive Investor Rights such as fair and equitable treatment, full protection and security, national treatment, the most favoured-Nation treatment, the umbrella clause, and the Hull rule of prompt, adequate, and effective compensation as a standard of compensation for the expropriation of foreign-owned property, that are at the root of the shortcomings of International Investment Law.
- The World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements create an International Trade legal framework for 164 economies around the world. International investments and legal frameworks: International Law, consisting of applicable treaties, customs, and general principles of law.
Formatting And Submission Guidelines
- The abstract of 300 words with a maximum of five relevant keywords to be submitted.
- After the acceptance of the abstract, a full paper with 2500 words to 5000 words including footnotes to be submitted.
- A separate MS Word File should be submitted containing the article title, followed by the Author’s Name, Affiliation, Communication Address, E-mail ID, and Contact Details.
- Abstract & Full paper should be submitted as a softcopy only in MS Word Format, typed in Times New Roman, Font size: 14 for Heading and 12 for Normal Text with 1.5 Line Spacing.
- For Footnotes, Font size 10 with 1.0 Spacing.
- A maximum of two authors is allowed for one paper.
Important Dates
Last Date for Submission of Abstract | December 04, 2023 |
Date of Acceptance of Abstract | December 11, 2023 |
Last Date for Registration and Payment of Fees | December 18, 2023 |
Last Date for Submission of Full Paper | January 18, 2024 |
Dates of the Event | February 29, March 1 and 2, 2024 |
Registration Fee
Academicians/Advocates/Judges | 1000/- |
Students /Research Scholars | 500/- |
Attendees/Participants | 300/- |
Bank Account Details
- Name of Beneficiary: HOD LEGAL STUDIES
- Name of Bank: State Bank of India
- Branch: Madras University
- Bank Account Type: Savings Bank
- A/c No: 10067585078
- IFSC Code : SBIN0002234
The Seminar Registration Fee includes the Seminar Kit, Lunch, and Tea.
Registration Process
Registration process via using this QR code and Google forms
Click Here To Register.
Submission Process
The submission of abstracts will be accepted through this QR code or Google form. Once the abstract is selected, the acceptance mail will be sent to the respected participants, and the platform in or the mode through which the paper has to be submitted will be described in the mail of acceptance.
Click Here To Submit.
Contact Information
- Mr. J. Perumalsamy: 9360210343
- Mr. P. Joshuva Preetham: 9566542624
- Ms. V. Nivedhitha: 9003273761