About Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad
Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad was created under the Maharashtra National Law University Act, 2014, on the 16th of March, 2017, and is one of India’s premier National Law Universities.
Committed to the enhancement of legal education, the university is dedicated to providing specialized and systematic instruction, rigorous training, and fostering research in various legal systems. With a focus on comprehensive development, the institution strives to be a leading force in shaping the future of legal professionals and contributing to the advancement of the legal field on both national and international fronts.
About the Journal
The Journal of Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad (JMNLUA) is MNLU Aurangabad’s esteemed flagship publication, dedicated to fostering comprehensive academic research on both national and international contemporary legal issues.
It operates as an annual, double-blind peer-reviewed journal available online and in print. Emphasizing inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary, and cross-disciplinary approaches, the Journal welcomes submissions in various categories, such as Research Articles, Notes/Comments, Case Comments, and Book Reviews.
Its primary objective is to encourage legal research and stimulate meaningful debates within the legal community on various issues and developments critical to the Law and Legal System.
Call for Papers
MNLU Aurangabad invites submissions for the Journal of MNLUA from:
- Academicians and Legal Professionals
- Members of the Bar and Bench
- Government Officials
- Research Scholars; and
- Students of Law
Submission Categories
- Research Articles: 5,000-8,000 words
- Notes and Case Comments: 2,000-5,000 words
- Book Review: 1,500-3,000 words
(Notes and Comments are inclusive of Short Articles, Case Comments, and Legislative Comments)
Note: Word Limit for the submissions shall be inclusive of Footnotes and Abstract.
Contemporary legal issues and developments
Submission Guidelines
- Submissions should be in the English language only.
- Research papers, notes, and comments must be accompanied by an abstract (executive summary of the manuscript) of not more than 250 words.
- Co-authorship is permitted for up to two authors.
- The submission should be the original and unpublished work of the author and should not be simultaneously considered by any other publications.
- All submissions are subject to plagiarism check. A maximum of 10% similarity to existing publications is permissible in submitted works.
- All the submissions should be in Times New Roman font. The font size should be 14 for headings, 12 for regular text (1.5 spacing) and for footnotes it should be 10 (single space).
- Footnotes must conform to the ILI (Indian Law Institute) citation style which can be accessed (here).
- The Submission will go through a double-blind peer review and acceptance for publication will be subject to the report of the peer review team and the decision of the Editorial Board will be final in this regard.
- The submission must be emailed to jmnlua@mnlua.ac.in
Anonymity and Biographical Information of the Author(s)
The manuscript must not have any indication of the identity of the author. However, a covering email/letter with the biographical information of the author(s) must be sent, which should include the following details: Name, E-mail address, Designation (Course and Academic Year, if applicable), Contact Details, Postal Address, and Institutional Affiliation.
Deadline for Submission
25th April, 2024
Email: jmnlua@mnlua.ac.in